Gallery: Heaven on Wheels XX Belgium 2024

Belgium is renowned for its chocolate, beers, and potholes. Because goodness gracious, the roads are abysmal. As soon as you cross the border from the Netherlands, it’s like hitting a minefield, zigzagging to dodge the craters. But i digress, because Belgium is also known for its plethora of car meetings. In the Netherlands, we have a few events, all organized by the same outfit. So most of the times you see the same cars over and over again.

But in Belgium, it’s a different story. Small organizations which attracts different cars and people run the events with a slew of volunteers. One such event is Heaven on Wheels. They take over a parking garage at the shopping center Cora in Anderlecht, near Brussels, transforming it into a scene straight out of the Fast and Furious films.

What sets Heaven on Wheels apart from other events is that they don’t do any pre-selection. Anyone can roll up with their car. This means there’s a wide mix of cars, but to be honest, it also means there are quite a few cars I wouldn’t normally spend 2.5 hours in the car to see.

Fortunately, there were plenty of other cars that were definitely worth the trip. Here’s a small selection I gathered from the event. I’ll be showcasing some stand out cars in a different post.

All the way from the UK was this Mercedes SL320 built by Harry Pippard, manager at Identity Wraps. This car needs a bigger spotlight, so I’ll go a bit more in depth in a seperate post.

Another stand-out car was this BMW E28 owned and built by Vincent Cornil. This will be another spotlight, so check back soon to see what makes this car special.

Taking a Subaru Forestor to the next level. Prime example that wheels maketh the car.

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