Ultrace 2024: A First Timer’s Journey

Honestly, I had no idea what to expect since this was my first time at Ultrace. But one thing is certain: it far exceeded my expectations. Late Thursday night, I set off from the Netherlands, heading towards Wrocław, Poland, the home of Ultrace since its inception. After a nine-hour drive, I arrived on Friday, and, unable to check into my hotel just yet, I went straight to the event at the Tarczyński Arena Wrocław.

Finding a parking spot, I headed to the press registration center. Luckily, the good folks from Revworks were there to guide me in the right direction. With my press pass and camera in hand, I stepped onto the grounds, and what I saw blew me away. I was literally overwhelmed, spending the first hour just gaping at everything that was already in place.

Friday is the day when the last cars are positioned, and the organizers put the finishing touches on everything. The event officially opens at noon on Saturday, so Friday offered a perfect opportunity to acclimate, especially with temperatures soaring above 30 degrees Celsius.

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Porsche RWB “Kimera” at the Essen Motor Show

Do you remember seeing your first RWB kitted Porsche? I do, it was the Porsche Stella Artois named after Nakai-Sans favorite beer. In my blogging days even before we started the Speedhunters project in 2008 there was a blog called Auto Otaku run by Mike Garrett. He was the man in Japan who showed us the car culture first hand. He had access to a scene we could only dream of. Mike showed us the RWB cars while they raced on Tsukuba during the numerous Idlers events. And one of those cars was Nakai-san’s personal 1985 Porsche 930.

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