If there was one thing made crystal clear at the VW Team Brabant event, it’s that the passion for all things VW is still alive and kicking. Stunning builds continue to roll out, and one that really stole the show was this Berg Cup-inspired VW Mk1 by Ricardo Kruijf. Positioned right next to the main stage, this Mk1 had a crowd around it all day long, making it tricky to grab a clear photo. And for good reason!
The first thing that draws you in is the deep Carbon Steel Grey paint, practically magnetic in its appeal. But it’s when you peer under the bonnet that you realize this isn’t just another Mk1 Golf. The original engine? Gone. In its place sits a CBUA 07K NA engine—a 2.5-litre, five-cylinder powerhouse originally designed for the American market, very similar to our European Audi RS3’s engine.
The list of modifications to the motor is extensive, to say the least. To highlight a few, the engine now runs with an RS3 crankshaft, DP connecting rods, pistons, and billet bearings. This is all linked to a 4-speed dogbox transmission.

As you look closer, the engine bay is full of custom-machined billet parts, from the intake manifold and valve cover to the engine mounts and oil filter housing. But the real centerpiece is that enormous Garrett G42-1200 turbocharger. Once the car hits the dyno, it’s expected to push around 1,000 horsepower.
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